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ISO/DIS* 1884 Interpreting services - Requirements and recommendations

1 Scope

This International Standard establishes basic requirements for the provision of interpreting services. Additionally, it provides recommendations of good practice.

NOTE Interpreting specializations/specialized interpreting services are covered in other International Standards (e.g. “ISO 20228, Legal interpreting”).


At the meeting of the Working Group in Vienna, final discussion took place on comments received against this draft and approval was given for the Project Leader to make the necessary changes and issue the Final Draft International Standard sometime in August 2017

*Draft International Standard - for ballot and comment by general public of national standards bodies' countries e.g. UK as of April 2017 the document with the same information as above has been re-issued with changes made for discussion at the meeting of member countries in Vienna - pursuant to the final stage for comment being issued as soon as possible afterwards

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