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ISO Standards for the Language Industry
ISO/WD* 20771 Specialized translation services - Requirements: Part 1 Legal translation
At the meeting of the Working Group in Vienna in June 2017 the new title was agreed, the content of the first draft is to be revised in line with comments received and most importantly, the language of the content will make it clear that this is a requirements standard for use by individual legal translators and not organizations, whether companies or sole providers.
It is expected therefore that there will be some changes to the scope statement to reflect this clarification of the focus of the standard.
Specialised translation services - Requirements - Part 1: Legal translation
This international standard provides requirements for the qualifications, competence, core processes, resources, training and other aspects necessary for the delivery of a quality legal or other specialist translation service that meets applicable specifications.
Application of this international standard also provides the means by which a translation service provider (TSP) can demonstrate conformity of specified translation services to this international standard and their capability to deliver a translation service that will meet the client’s, stakeholder’s and other applicable specifications.
The use of raw output from machine translation plus post-editing is outside the scope of this International Standard.
This International Standard does not apply to interpreting services.
*WD = Working draft international standard issued for comment by expert members of the project's working group (WG) (i.e. it is not issued to the National Standards Bodies at all) though it is possible for the WG member to gather input from other experts to include this with their own comment if they wish).
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