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ISO Standards for the Language Industry
Translation Standards
Published standards
ISO 11669:2012 Translation projects - Guidelines - guiding recommendations for handling translation projects to meet best practice parameters
ISO 17100:2015 Translation services - Service requirements - minimum requirements for assuring professional delivery of translation services by all providers, freelance individual to multinational organization.
Developing standards
ISO/FDIS* 18587 Translation services - Post-editing of machine translation output - Requirements - minimum requirements for assuring professional delivery of the human post-editing of machine translation output, the state of developing machine translation programs being still too fast moving for standardization.
ISO/WD** 20771 Legal Translation services - Requirements - minimum requirements for delivery of a quality legal or other specialist translation service.
*ISO/FDIS = Final draft international standard stage - National Standards Bodies provide editorial comment only with positive vote and technical reason with negative vote for publication.
**ISO/WD = Working draft - Technically for comment only by ISO project Working Group (WG) members but these members can obtain input from others to add to their own expertise.
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